Sunday 14 October 2012

Hell is finally ending

Slightly dramatic post title, I know. But I feel it's justified.

Lilibeth has just about finished her 6 week growth spurt.


8 days of hell to be exact.

She was fussy, she was grumpy and all she wanted to do, all day long, was feed. I'm breastfeeding so it literally meant that she was on me all day and most of the night.

I'd feed her until she dozed off, hand her to Dev to go to the toilet, and by the time I got back, she'd usually be grizzling and sucking her hands. It was constant, and so very, very wearing.

At night she'd sleep maybe three hours from when we put her down, then she'd wake up and feed/doze on and off every half an hour or so. Yesterday I literally felt like a zombie. Thankfully, last night, she slept for 4 hours, then woke up for a feed, then slept another 3 hours. Plus, today she seems a lot less fussy/grumpy. She actually let me put her on her gym a few times. I got laundry done, and ate my dinner with BOTH hands.

Good times.

Here's her at 6 weeks and 2 days:

 I can't believe how quickly she's growing!

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